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1.3. Responses

Requests return following status codes and JSON payloads:

· 200 (Success)​

1) Request was successful. The JSON payload looks like this:

“obj”: <license number, token, active(bool), registration date, unregistration date>,

“shop”: <code, name, addresss, phone, registration date>,

“device”: <fiscalID, name, addresss, phone, registration date>,

“taxes”: <name, value, untaxed(bool), taxCode, taxIndex, calcType, taxBase, taxType, fullName>

2) There were validation errors (listed for each operation specifically). The JSON payload looks like this:

“status”: “error”, “msgID” (optional): <msgID>, “message”: <list of validation errors>

· 500 (Internal Server Error):​

1) Is returned in case of errors in JSON parsing (e.g., bad formats, wrong types) or other internal errors.